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       联 人:唐静波











The first public participation in the environmental impact assessment of Zhongzhen Hanjiang equipment



According to the "Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment" (Order No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment), relevant information on the environmental impact assessment of the annual production project of 1500 specialized vehicles by Zhongzhen Hanjiang Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. will be made public.

1、 Project Name and Overview

(1) Project Name: Zhongzhen Hanjiang Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. Annual Production of 1500 Special Purpose Vehicles Project

(2) Construction location: No. 525 Chuyuan Road, Yicheng Economic and Technological Development Zone

(3) Overview of the construction content:

The total investment of the project is 250 million yuan. The production line of Custom car is built by using the production plant of the original "CRRC Communications Hanjiang Rapid Transit Equipment Headquarters Base (Phase I) Project", and relying on the original project office building, canteen, dormitory and other auxiliary facilities. The original "CRRC Hanjiang MRT Equipment Headquarters Base (Phase I) Project" has been terminated and will no longer be constructed. This project is a major change and has been re approved.

2、 Name and contact information of the construction unit

Construction unit: Zhongzhen Hanjiang Equipment Technology Co., Ltd

Contact person: Tang Jingbo

Contact number: 13671897956

3、 Name of the unit responsible for preparing the environmental impact report

Name of Environmental Impact Assessment Unit: Henan Linhexi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

4、 Online link to public opinion form

http://www.mee.gov.cn/xxgk2018/xxgk/xxgk01/201810/t20181024_665329.html .

5、 Ways and means of submitting public opinion forms

During the preparation process of soliciting opinions on the environmental impact report, the public can provide opinions related to environmental impact assessment to the construction unit. The public can submit the completed public opinion form, etc. to the construction unit within the specified time through letters, faxes, and emails, reflecting opinions and suggestions related to the environmental impact of the construction project.

Letter address: No. 525 Chuyuan Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Yicheng City

Email: 2589988462@qq.com

June 2, 2023


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